sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Friday, December 10, 2004

happy fucking friday

happy international human rights day, everyone!

no, it's not supposed to mean anything. not if you're american! what's that you say? "darfur"? god bless you! and god bless america! oh, you meant a place? never heard of it. huh? iraq? oh, eye-rack. yes, great things we're doing there. liberation takes a long time. abu-huh? nope, not a problem. just a frat hazing. you know, kids drink too much beer at MIT, we put some hoods on some infidels in the middle east. tomaytoe tomahto, kids. make sure to wave that american flag and smile big! big brother is watching! no, i don't think america holds any political prisoners within its borders, we put them all in cuba, where they belong with the bad communists. no, i don't know who leonard peltier is. mumia? oh, yeah, he's the one rage against the machine sings about. good kids, those rage kids. so sad they broke up.

wanna send a letter, a real actual snail mail letter, to a man who's in prison because he doesn't want to go back to vietnam - oops, iraq! if so, click the link: and scroll down. he's already been and apparently that whole forcing democracy on people by razing their houses thing is working as well in baghdad as it is in palestine! looks like a nice guy, though, that Camilo Mejia, too bad the liberals got to him with their propaganda and convinced him going to jail would be better than killing women and children (don't even fucking think of tangling with me on this FACT, because it is indeed well documented).

okay, i'll stop writing in that voice, it's a little singsong for my taste though obviously i could continue. want a real interesting thing to read, check out for their newest campaign on women and war. rape is a war tactic - in every war that has ever been there has been rape. to rape literally plants the seed of the invader in the wombs of a people.

thomas posted poetry on my blog. not sure what to make of that, and he doesn't go to slc so i can't chalk it up to conference week.

i'm just curious, of my guy friends who read this, how many of you are registered for the draft? i know there won't be one. but i didn't have to register and probably never will so i'm curious because i haven't done it. in fact, technically i CAN'T do it. i don't plan on yelling at you or anything. gerard? ed? kyle? thomas? bueller?

on a more lighthearted note: pet peeve of right now - bad or lazy spelling. if you're IMing me and can't bother to put TWO FUCKING LETTERS in front of the letter "u", those two letters being Y and O, don't fucking bother asking me about my day, okay? unless you're on your cell phone, typing on those is annoying. but otherwise. it doesn't make you hip hop or punk rock or anything other than fucking annoying. remember how we all made fun of avril for the atrocity that was sk8ter boi? (here i refer to the travesty against syntax, not the "song" itself.) and yes, i am aware that this is passive aggressive of me. but at least i'm spelling out entire words.

though i do draw the line at capitalization.

(one last thing, DO NOT ASK how the paper is going. just DON'T DO IT. i try not to poke you in your stab wounds, ya lot of bleeding ninnies, so leave mine alone and i'll lick them in peace.)


Blogger Kyle said...

Hey Sarah-

all of us are registered for the draft. you don't really have a choice in the matter. the day after i turned 18 they sent me a card congratulating me on being registered for the draft.

side note

the next week i registered for my passport. canada, here i come.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Senator Wall said...

This will probably destroy whatever mystique that poem created, but all it was was one of the hits that came up when I googled "stupid poem about nothing." Lol, God help us all if I actually did try to write poems

3:36 PM  

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