sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

i fixed it!

don't worry, yall, i've survived my own melodrama. again. i emerged relatively unscathed.

i told brigid due to how busy i am this semester i can't be her co-chair. yep, i broke up with the feminists. no one saw this coming. it's the right thing to do.

on a brighter note: you know you are a brand whore when you walk in to a store and realize you are wearing their brand head-to-toe. and you're not even thinking about spending YOUR money in the store because your normally clueless relatives gave you not one, but TWO gift certificates to this store for christmas. mmmmmm gap.

and reading elizabeth bishop makes me feel real dumb because, um, i don't like her very much. her tactic is NATURE nature NATURE imagery imagery observation *THE MYSTERY OF THE UNIVERSE*. she just observes and observes and then smacks you with "isn't it amazing to be alive?" and while yes, elizabeth, it IS nice to be alive, i've read too many hallmark cards to like you. her poetry is like prose, and i HATE that. i'm not a prose writer because i get bored in the time it takes to move my character from the couch to the kitchen to the glass of milk pouring to the table to crying for no reason. i'd rather just talk about what happened last night that is making her cry now, not walk her about the house. ugh.

when i need to write many many words (ie, writing out the crap, as it's technically termed), i use this and my journal. or i type and then delete a lot. grr.

but did i SAY any of this in group conference? why no, no i did not. i sat silent. when did i get so silent all the time?


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