sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


why are there so many people in my ninth house - cancer - around? why are some cancers leaving and others arriving? what's up with that? (why has the one aries in my life faded into the night? do i not need anyone in my seventh house anymore?)

i just set up my new printer, courtesy of my parents. now all i need is a digital camera.

it feels weird to type now.

were i at school, i'd be much more tapped in to the world, methinks. which is weird. the more TV i watch, the less i know.

i'm not going to ruminate publicly on the recent unpleasantness. you've probably talked to me and already know.

tsunami. the word haunts the world. i don't have words big enough for it and i don't know how not to sound frivolous right now, so i'm not going to try. this is another aspect of what being home does to me.

yay for bobby though. i'd like to talk to him and reconnect. i like him. i'm even willing to forgive the not-calling-when-he-says-he-will sin. and we all know that's a big one.

i need to get out of this country.

my relationship with my sister is borderline toxic. i've tried everything. i even tried being honest and opening up. i was brutally rebuffed. just proves what i've always known to be true: only by being a sarcastic, witty, bitter old man can you get anywhere in this world. a sweetness and light outlook that involves trusting your closest friends and relatives won't get you anything.
i'm truly at my wit's end.

home kinda sucks the life out of me. it makes me dumber. i know less about the world. i don't write. i want to go back to my insular cocoon! at least it's insular in healthier ways.

out of the country. slc does a couple of spring break trips to various places; one goes to nicaragua. great opportunity to practice my spanish, que no?

anyone but thomas can answer this completely rhetorical question: why the fuck is nightline doing a story on football tonight? hello?

say it with me, guys: tsunami. bad weather. bush's re-election. nuclear capability of iran. still mounting casualties in iraq - an actual story about this, and why our current methods are failing, would be real neat. or BUSH'S RESHUFFLING OF HIS CABINET. or ANYTHING that matters more than RETIRING FOOTBALL PLAYERS. oy, i can think of six stories right off the top of my head that are news. and that's what you do, nightline buddies, news. not sports. sports are not news. neither are celebrities. really really. hell, why not do an expose on the travesty that is the foster care/adoption system in this country? or bush's new plan to take away federal loans for college? or some good old fashioned medical marijuana? shit that matters?

here's a real crazy idea: if you can't find anything that's newsworthy within our borders, go outside them. revolutionary, i know. hell, charlie rose had a guy speculating about the iraqi elections, then he talked to the desperate housewives writer, then he talked to a dude about the NYT accountability scandal (remember jayson blair?). i KNOW there is more news out there than this, guys. seriously.

maybe i'm just grouchy because my knitting plans aren't going as i want them to and i'm scared to go or not go to nicaragua.

hey, here's a crazy idea! bush COMPLETELY BOTCHED the opportunity to make america look good by hurling much-needed aid at tsunami victims. he waited too long to comment on it publicly, and the aid we've offered is, in a word, paltry. where the fuck was rove on this one? huh, karl? WTF? many victims come from parts of the islamic world - you know, that place we're not so popular? feeding displaced people and offering them clean water and shelter is a realy quick way to turn public opinion, ya know. DUMBASS. at least it's a news story.


Blogger Senator Wall said...

RAAAHHHHH! I loooove football and being republican!!! Burp!!! Where's an expensive cigar so i can blow dollar signs out of smoke and then eat nachos and watch the vikings packers game? RAAAAAHHHHHHH

4:50 AM  
Blogger Senator Wall said...

shit. sorry. penis accessing internet again. ill do my best to keep the guy under control.

4:53 AM  
Blogger Senator Wall said...

Also, $350 million, being the FIRST western nation to send aid, and the forming of a core aid group of nations is more than any nation unaffected by the tsunami can say af far as "hurling aid."

Lol, sorry, had to. But just so you know you ain't the only one watching the McLaughlin Group!! Arrr

12:51 AM  

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