sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Monday, September 05, 2005

life goes on

i've been bouncing around so much lately. between despair over katrina, the failure of immediate official response ("lack" seems too gentle a word), excitement over my classes and this semester and everything, and just general, you know, living. like, i went to jersey and that was the same as it always is; i found an extra pillow case, the origin of which completely flummoxes me, in with all my crap. (really, any excuse to describe myself as "flummoxed.")

i'm in two psych classes this semester, which is completely weird because previous to this i haven't taken any psych classes ever.

and a poetry class.

i'm so sarah lawrence my head might explode.

i have a real room now, complete with amenities like sheets and comforters and fan, microwave and fridge. i have a chair now, my aunt insisted, and a swiffer. and i plan on buying an iron tomorrow. i feel so freaking domesticated. i keep telling myself, don't acquire shit - you're moving every three months between here and forever.

i miss my family.


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