sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


sometimes i feel like i'm cheating at life. like i've actually started thinking to myself, oh, that'll work itself out. i think this for no reason other than, well, things just work themselves out in my life. fortuitous circumstance - serendipity - is my forte. going into this semester, i knew i wanted to pick up more hours at work. i knew office assisting paid less than tour guiding, and i also like tour guiding much better, and touring has more flexible hours (as well as more replacements to call upon). so, magically, there were no times available when i could office asst. i was just about to panic (as i was scheduled to work all of 2 hours a week) and call Karen and beg to tour more often, when lo and behold she e-mails out the spring schedule, complete with openings in the exact hours i'd designated to work. and voila! more work, up to 12 hours a week instead of last semester's 9 (and that was between both jobs), at the better-paying, well-liked job.

things like this tend to happen to me.
em's right: i was blessed with all the luck in the family.

now, a list!!!! ways to set myself up with connections that will help me land the kind of job i want post-grad:
1. work with Kensington Rights Welfare Union over spring break. learn about advocacy and make sure i really DO have a taste for it.
2. go to Mexico, participate in NGO week. learn about the workings of NGOs, make sure i want to work for one - find a specific one if possible.
3. intern with MADRE senior year. make them love me and want to hire me or offer me to someone else.
4. go to Nicaragua spring break, senior year. (i can go to the beach and get drunk on my own time, right?)


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