sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

tis a pity

this is a pity-me post. if you are not going to find me duly pitiful, skip down to the highlights.

varying parts of my body are in a war to see which can cause me the most pain this week. so far it's a tie between my sinuses (with occasional stop-everything-stabbing pain) and my right shoulder (which is really mad at me for no apparent reason). my ears are not far behind.

i gave myself a fit of chills because i took a shower during one of my periodic bouts of fever. lame-ASS. but i think it did help me sleep.

i have been unable to concentrate or think or sleep or talk since sunday, when i woke up with this Death Plague Russian Bird Monkey Flu.

hours spent in admissions this week: 13.
tours taken out: 2.
that means ELEVEN hours of filing, or sitting and doing nothing in a boring-ass office. luckily i've been feeling so spacey (thanks dayQuil!), that i just spent most of the time staring off into space and trying to not creep out my admissions-comrades.

my mouse scroll-bar can no longer tell up from down, so there's a lot of webpage bouncing. as brenda would say, it's making me dizzy.

i misspelled "pizzeria" today. it was on the board and everything.

and for some reason, my spanish teacher barked "se necesita dos secretarias" at us, which means, we need two secretaries!, more or less. i'm still not sure why that was necessary.

my spanish companion to my left was drawing: a shark, an octopus, a lit cigarette, can of beer, fire truck. and i was envious of his skills.

i've lost my mind. with that, i bring you . . .

highlights of the week:
hour and a half long lunch with TWIL. we made a list of characteristics i want in a mate. why is it everyone who's in a relationship is eager to have me try one? what IS that? anyone, she can be the best man at my wedding. i love her.

tomorrow i fly to san francisco for a gay wedding! woot! and if nothing else, at least my mom will be there to feel my forehead and coo over me. but i'd much prefer to be healthy and able to taste. which set of parents foots the bill for a gay wedding? (this one is going to be QUITE the affair, too.)


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