sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Monday, September 06, 2004

a personal record?

as i dragged my ass down to brunch at the sunny hour of 1 PM (my sister called - twice - before 10 AM on a sunday. apparently she doesn't know who i am), i thought it might be wise to look over my assembled syllabi while i scarfed my delicious waffle. much to my chagrin, i discovered i was supposed to have read - in a little over 24 hours from then - an entire book for discussion in my first class. oops. i made a beeline (post-waffle) for the library, where the book was on reserve. i then devoted my day to Savage Inequalities, a text that is over a decade old and highlights - you guessed - the savage racial and social inequalities in the American educational system of 1991. realizing this book is from approximately the same era as My Posse Don't Do Homework - basis for the the film Dangerous Minds - and Schoolgirls (which is about sexual harassment and came out in conjunction with the AAUW report "Dangerous Hallways" and . . . nevermind) by Peggy Orenstein, both personal favorites of mine, gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. i'm accruing quite the body of knowledge about the American educational system, circa 1990. i was FIVE then. but anyway. today i learned that, despite my glacial reading speed, i can accomplish 200 pages of reading in ten hours and still take time out to eat a lot, play on the web a little, and attend a cabaret.

SLC is mad for cabarets. i saw approximately 16 last year, which is a lot for one school year. considering each one has a requirement of at least one skinny boy in drag, that's a lot of wigs. whatever, tonight's was no different. us SLCers, we love a freaking cabaret, old chum. soooo many of these people are so very lucky they found SLC - anywhere else this behavior would not be acceptable, it would get you labeled a social reject forever, and you'd certainly never get encouragement for acting that way. sarahlawrence students will applaud and support nearly anything, as long as it involves someone else acting COMPLETELY INSANE. we love that shit.


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