sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Friday, February 25, 2005

hawk vs. squirrel

i feel about 18 kinds of awesome right now.

i scammed the bookstore out of $18 - my weekend is paid for! AND i got three free books! (one of which is about sex!)

told a kid in the library that there is nothing geeky about evil dead, it rocks like old metallica! (totally stole the phrase.) it was cute when he asked, what do you really listen to? enya? and when i objected that this was a stereotype he was like, hey! i listen to enya!

there is a hawk outside trying to eat a black squirrel. i wish it was a gray squirrel (as they are more common), but the whole nature thing is beautiful. i'm worried the hawk is lost. *update* a gaggle of SLC kids watched the hawk vs. squirrel drama for TWO HOURS. finally the hawk left, seeming to give up. it returned less than 10 minutes later, just when its prey was getting complacent enough to try and run for cover. the hawk returned, snatched the squirrel, and is now enjoying his squirrel dinner. SLC kids continue to watch, and i think someone got it on video. everyone's saying, that was amazing! incredible! kinda restores my faith in those nutjobs. you could hear the hawk's wings when it swooped in.

took computer to academic computing. and fixed it.

put in work order for our hallway.

had cookies.

week is over, prison survived.


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