sarita rising

I'm resuscitating this blog for several reasons. It's early May 2008, I've been out of college for a year, the Amanda Marcotta/BfP/Seal Press/WAM blogosphere explosion just happened, and I have a lot of thoughts to process. We'll see where it goes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


dear suzanne -
please cut me some damn slack. i know i'm being flaky and i suck and all, but . . . um . . . you're kind of being an asshole. okay, so i am too. but anyway, slack would be nice. everyone else cuts me slack. i hate setting up meetings, and i don't really like coming to see you because i don't think you like me; maybe that's just you being naturally aloof and standoffish, i dunno, or maybe one semester wasn't enough to base a relationship of this magnitude on (ooh, i need you to sign papers once a semester. why can't i just drop by your office for that?). grr. and bah.

dear sketchy boy #1:
gracias por la conversacion anoche. yo quiero mas, por favor. te quiero mucho, dude. but seriously, thank you.

dear spanish class gods -
i am reeeaaalllllyyy scared of the class i'm about to commit to . . . please don't beat up on me too bad, ok?

dear spanish teacher,
please tell me my spanish is worse than i thought and i simply misheard what you said about me doing conference work when i'm a language/lecture third, and therefore splitting duties for your class with another one. i REALLY don't want to write you a conference paper. i KNOW you are going to kick my ass and i am going to hate it while it's happening but in the end the idea is i'll be in better stead this way.

dear dad:
thank you for coming to visit in october. i'll be so happy to see you. i want to come home. i am being a selfish brat. i'm sorry. thank you for all that you do, for putting up with my constant phone calls, and for allowing me to be here. what you said about concentrating on classes like spanish rather than work helped give me some perspective - my purpose at school is to learn and to study, why can't i grasp that and relax about it?

anyway, thanks.

dear sketchy boy #2:
please call me in two weeks or i will hate you forever.

dear angelone family -
welcome to the neighborhood. i haven't called and said it yet because, well, i suck. see above. but thank you for convincing my daddy to come visit in october.

dear self
get a damn grip already. yeesh. crying won't solve anything. move your ass, ho.


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